Black soil is the most precious soil resource on the earth, with only four reserves worldwide. One of them lies in northeast China. People's activities do spoil them. The soil continues to deteriorate and is expected to disappear within 40 to 50 years. Knowing such a story, I'd like to start a noodle restaurant with raw material from black soil, which can earn money to support black oil resources' protection and share the knowledge with more people. The restaurant's name goes 'Boodles', the combination of 'black soil' and 'noodles'. Target consumers are young people of middle and high income who like noodles and support nature with a sense of keeping a diet and nutrition.
After analyzing and researching, I find keywords for the brand are nutrition, black soil, bowl & Chinese characteristics. I would like to have the brand with four flavours, wheat, spinach, purple potato, and the mixture. Visual reference of the logo is attained in turn.
a. Make a lot of visual attempts.
b. Settle the best visual solution, flour, black soil, and Chinese characteristics.
c. By way of a hand drawing of short lines to imitate noodles' appearance. As a result, the logo's texture and extended graphics are upgraded.